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We are once again experiencing a DDoS attack today and the volume of the access requests being set to our website is the highest concentration we have seen yet. This is causing the server to be overwhelmed and temporarily shut down. The server does come back up on its own after a few minutes and we have not seen an attach that lasts longer than 2 hours yet. We are hearing about (and seeing ourselves) 2 different error messages:

  1. HTTP Error 503: The service is unavailable.
    This message means that the RPC server has been overwhelmed by the traffic from the attack and is rebooting. If you receive this error, please know that we are experiencing it as well and the site should work for you again once the server is up again – about 15 minutes, on average.
  2. Error message from Cloudflare.
    Due to the severity of the attack at this time we have tightened as many security features as possible and that includes not allowing access when the request comes from a computer that is filtering or checking our site. Some parental control/accountability programs perform this feature to inspect website content and at this time those requests are being seen as a bot attack and denied by Cloudflare. We are unable to relax any security measures at this time. If you are experiencing this type of error we recommend whitelisting the domain in your software settings. If the error persists, please try accessing from a different computer/device that does not have the accountability software.

We will keep you posted on any further updates and are pursuing every recourse to end these attacks on our site and maintain access for you and your students.