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This site is to notify you of any site updates when our site is down.

Site Status

Our site is currently up and running.

If you are having problems and do not see the site as being down, or a recent comment below, please email us. You do not need to email us if we know we are having issues unless you know you have vital information that can help us (see third paragraph).

We will not be able to reply to emails and work on the site, however, if we need further information, we will contact you via email. You may return here for any updates we may have.

If you know you have vital information that could help us with the site, feel free to email that information, too. Be sure to include the following:

  1. Your IP address. If you don’t know it, you can find it here:
  2. The browser you are using and if it is the most up-to-date version or not.
  3. The error or message you are getting.
  4. The device you are using. This would include if it is a phone, tablet, or computer and the type it is.
  5. Any other information you feel may be relevant, which would include if you are using parental control software, and which software.

As a reminder, we are unable to support mobile devices due to restrictions many of them have.

If you are using an older browser please update it.

If you are using parental control software, please be sure is whitelisted. If you are still having a problem, please see the May 18, 2022 post with a possible solution.

Update May 5, 2022 11:07 AM Eastern

Our site continues to be up and available for most users. If you have not had success with the previous options, or if you have any new information, please send us an email. We will pass that information along to our server host.

We will not be able to respond to all emails, however, if we need further information, we will contact you via email.

Thank you for your patience. While an issue cannot be found on our end, we continue to try to find out where the problem is.

Option #3 we mentioned yesterday is not working for everyone, so we do not recommend that one anymore. However, you can give it a try in case it works for you.

Update: May 4, 2022, 1:22 PM Eastern

Some of you have been experiencing some issues with getting to our website. Please know that our website is up and running and most members are able to get to the site without any issues.

This issue does not affect everyone, but we know that it is affecting more than a handful of people. After discussing with our website software team and our hosting service, as well as some outside sources, we do know that it is an issue somewhere between you and us – somewhere on the internet. One theory, based on successes by others, is there is a corrupt DNS record somewhere. This is not something we are able to directly address, however there are some things you can do to get to our site which others have used with success: 

  1. Call your Internet Service Provider (ISP)– When calling your ISP, you will need to push past their likely response that “There are no outages.” Multiple RPC members who have called (and insisted that something was wrong) have let us know that their ISP was eventually able to do a fix that now allows them access. This is the best option you have for a more permanent solution.
  2. Use a VPN or the TOR browser– Both these approaches will change your DNS server settings for your session (but not permanently). 
  3. Manually change your DNS server ( – Be sure to follow the directions, including writing down your current settings in case something goes wrong. 

We are sorry you are having issues, and we have done all we can on our end to find the problem, however, it is not on our end with the proof being most are able to access the site. We are offering the above suggestions to hopefully help you get back to the site.